How Maui’s Good Ol’ Boy network manipulates everything to fill their pockets.

To anyone believing that Peter Martin, Bob Horcajo, West Maui Land, and their related Olowalu development and water companies are trustworthy and care about the community’s well-being, or thinking that their recent criticisms of DLNR Deputy Water Director M. Kaleo Manuel are not in response to Mr. Manuel’s efforts to hold them accountable for decades of broken … Read more

Greg Brown now renting his Napili “Hotel” for up to $20,000 per night

Email your demand for the County to rescind Greg Brown’s SMA Permit Exemption because he’s now doing short-term rentals with no permit: To: Call the Mayor’s Office: (808) 270-7855 Join the Napili Bay Community Assoc at and make a contribution to Shut Down Brown. Planning Director McLean to Brown … Read more

Testimony: MPO meeting Re: Irregularities and impacts of uncollected 3-Lot-or-Less Infrastructure Deferral Agreements

For over 40 years Maui’s Corporation Counsel wrote 3-Lot-or-Less infrastructure Deferral Agreements that allowed developers to delay roadway improvements and environmental protections until such time as they could be charged a prorated share of what the County spent at some future date when they initiated a CIP on the associated frontage. Problems arose and persist … Read more

Testify to support Offer to Settle Wrongful Termination of Chris Salem Mon 5/22 1:30 PM

Testify in support of Chris Salem, wrongfully terminated for Blowing the Whistle on Greg Brown’s violations, and other misdeeds by Corporation Counsel. Submit ecomments here:  Agenda Because of their obvious abuses of authority, Judge Bissen wisely refused to carry over Moana Lutey and Michelle Mclean into his Mayoral administration. Alice Lee then rewarded both … Read more

Mayor Bissen is called upon to follow Honolulu’s lead to revoke Brown’s unlawful Monster Home permit

Honolulu DPP said it is revoking the building permit for a 14-room home on Kamehameha Heights after a review requested by a Council Member and State House Rep revealed that the developer misrepresented their permit application. That’s precisely what we have repeatedly shown Greg Brown did in Napili Bay – but so far, no Maui … Read more

Like a Zombie Rising, Alice Lee’s Authoritarian New Rules are Back

As predicted, like a zombie rising, Alice Lee has resurrected her Dark-Government new rules, bringing them to the GREAT Committee this Friday. Alice Lee’s proposed new, authoritarian, anti-open government rules eliminate early public input on any resolution she chooses, fast-tracking around committee hearings and public testimony. Chair Lee wants the power to skip committee and … Read more

Greg Brown bails out of Workforce Housing Project. Makila Farms site listed for $12,900,000  MLS 398159

Not that we want to promote Real Estate broker Buzz Moffit’s listing for Greg Brown’s Makila Farms site, but we include this link so you can see for yourself. On the Makila Farms website, Brown states “We must be a good neighbor to the communities we build in and listen to their thoughts, ideas, and … Read more

State OIP directs Council Chair Lee to stop violating Sunshine laws

Has anyone noticed that under Alice Lee’s direction, Maui’s County Council is in direct and deliberate violation of State Sunshine laws in that none of the official minutes from any council meeting since June of last year has been publicly posted to the Council’s website? Sunshine mandates official minutes be made public within 40 days … Read more

Alice Lee is Doing EVERYTHING She Can to Block Public Participation

Share as you can… And testify this Fri. 9am      COUNCIL’S NEW RULES Reso 23-5 On Friday, Alice Lee will most certainly resurrect her proposed new, authoritarian, anti-open government rules to eliminate early public input on any resolution she chooses, fast-tracking around committee hearings and your public testimony. Fast-tracking currently requires a Super-Majority, 6 to 3 … Read more

There’s a battle raging for control of Maui County.

Tasha Kama obviosly does not want candidates who could replace Moana Lutey

Alice Lee’s proposed new, authoritarian, anti-open government rules eliminate early public input on any resolution she chooses, fast-tracking around committee hearings and your public testimony. Alice Lee wants the power to skip committee and public input, which currently requires a Super-Majority, 6 to 3 Council vote taken AFTER a 1st round of public input.  Alice’s … Read more

Supreme Court action will keep Alice Lee from the Wailuku Council seat for months! Can five votes approve her as an “Interim Council Member” anyway?

According to this press release today from Attorney Lance Collins, because of the suit brought by Candidate Noelani Ahia and thirty voters over the 800 outstanding votes, the earliest Alice Lee can participate in any Council Business will be ninety days after the Hawai’i Supreme Court makes a decision. No date has yet been set for … Read more

Alice Lee wants to fill her Team w Corrupt Lawyers who Bissen removed – and overpay them.

Mayor Bissen’s removal of Moana Lutey and her sidekick Richelle Thomson from Corporation Counsel was a great step towards ending decades of institutionalized corruption on Maui. As her push towards Fascism expands, Alice Lee wants to hire Lutey and Thomson as County Clerk, and Deputy County Clerk. With massive salary boosts over past Clerks (Lutey … Read more

Alice Lee’s Power Grab to Limit Public Testimony.  Testify to Amend Reso 23-5 Monday Jan 2nd 2PM

Resolution 23-5 – ADOPTING THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL. There are several substantive changes in Alice Lee’s new Rules which significantly reduce the Public’s opportunity to Testify for the next two years. Our old rules required a 2/3 Council Vote to Fast-Track any new law, otherwise, all new laws MUST have Committee Hearings with Public … Read more

County attorneys help kill investigation of Planning Director McLean’s wrongful permitting of Brown

ACTION ALERT from the Napili Bay Community Association: Our County Council’s unanimous vote to launch the first-of-its-kind Official Investigation into Planning and Public Work’s wrongful permitting of Brown’s Development is being terminated thru conflicted advice from the Office of Council Services (OCS) lead attorney David Raatz.    Rather than conduct the investigation with urgency through … Read more

Mayor Victorino boasts that he hired Directors because he knew they were corrupt.

Mayor Mike Victorino just lied through his teeth about his knowledge and tolerance of corruption within Maui County Gov’t. Listen to the audio below where Mike boasts that as Mayor he hired prior Mayor Alan Arakawa’s tools, Pat Wong and David Goode, BECAUSE he knew they were corrupt and thinks he can use that to … Read more

Action Alert: Testify Tues 6/28 or send email now: SUPPORT IMPOSING EMINENT DOMAIN ON GREG BROWN

After over 18 months of ignoring us, the County Council is finally moving to do something about Greg Brown’s monstrously oversized and illegitimate “Hotel” at Napili Bay. Please testify Tues 6/28 live via Bluejeans, or by email to support Reso 22-158 to acquire the property for public purposes. Click here to testify Live starting at … Read more

Maui County Clerk rejects Term-Limit & Residency Voter Challenges of Candidates Alice Lee and Riki Hokama

  Earlier this week, Maui County Clerk Kathy Kaohu rejected all five Voter Challenges submitted including the Voter Challenge based on violation of the Council Term Limit in Maui County Charter Section 3-2.5.  Here’s a pdf of the letter portion of the rejection – with the Clerk’s attached Exhibits – the entire ruling is 1303 … Read more

These three testimonies reveal the County Council’s reluctance to assert its true powers to hold the Administration and Department Directors responsible for their actions.

The wide-spread abuse of process that is allowing Greg Brown to build his monster hotel in Napili Bay provides us all an education into the loopholes in our existing legislation that promote fraud and abuse in the administration of SMA permits, as well as a deeper dive into the general dysfunction and ignorance among our … Read more

All’s fair in love and war: Public Works internal report leaked to Maui Causes alleges Director McLean personally gained through Permit Abuse

Mike Victorino has started a war between Public Works and Planning over his proposed Waikapu Country Town public-private partnership and Greg Brown’s monster Hotel that destroys the quaint character of Napili Bay. The partnership proposal Mayor Victorino just announced was brokered by Mancini, Welch, and Geiger, attorneys for both Waikapu developer Mike Atherton and Napili … Read more

Montana Beach, Act II: Promises of change cannot be hollow

In 2002, Mayor Alan Arakawa admitted to blatant and intentional violations of County Code by developers, consultants, and the Planning Dept, implying the promise of change. One trigger for his comments was Montana Beach, where a citizen’s complaint famously revealed a Director’s faulty decision, causing a permit revocation. Mike Victorino sat on the County Council … Read more

Stop Work Orders Shut Down Brown – Whistleblower’s wrongful termination suit against Mayor Victorino advances.

Eight months after Chris Salem first notified Mayor Victorino of Greg Brown’s violations and six months after Mr. Salem was terminated as retribution for responding to community complaints and pressing the matter within the administration, Greg Brown has finally been ordered to stop all work on his Napili Bay “Hotel”. Today’s Stop Work orders were … Read more

Director McLean is working hard to protect Greg Brown and other favored developers.

We believe Director Mclean is acting outside her authority to manufacture opportunities for Greg Brown to sue the County and avoid severe fines for his misrepresentations. All the applicable County Codes clearly state that if there are conflicts between the requirements of any State law or County ordinance, the more restrictive requirements shall apply. Director Mclean has repeatedly … Read more

Official Inspection Report: Brown Violated Napili Bay District Rules  

YOUR TESTIMONY HELPS – CLICK HERE BY WED:  The Council is wisely looking at the schedule of extremely low fees for various Public Works and Planning permits and appeals that greatly subsidize professional developers’ speculation, at the public’s expense. Please consider here the enormous departmental costs that Planning Director McLean and Corporation Counsel continue to … Read more

ACTION ALERT: Testify to GREAT Committee Tues 9am: TEAR DOWN BROWN – BUILD A PUBLIC PARK (w/ restrooms)

Online Only Phone testimony: 1-408-915-6290, meeting code 175 115 369 Video testimony: View live: Akaku, Channel 53 or Tuesday the GREAT Committee will hear Planning Director McLean’s update on Greg Brown’s Monster “Hotel’ in Napili.  Rather prematurely, Director McLean has several times now publicly characterized this disaster as the “department’s mistake” which seems … Read more

BREAKING NEWS: Senior County Official Confirms that Whistleblower Chris Salem is Correct on Greg Brown’s Violations.

“Third Story” violates Napili Bay District “Two Story” limit. Building over 7,500 sq ft, Brown’s SMA Permit Exemption is INVALID. Greg Brown’s “Hotel”, misrepresented as a “Single-Family, Two-Story” home, denied the community’s right to public hearings to protect shoreline areas, as mandated by the State and Feds. But will Corporation Counsel Director Moana Lutey block … Read more

Accusations of Bribe-Taking in Maui’s Planning Department

 In June, long-time west-side resident Kanamu Balinbin testified at some personal risk to the County Council about his direct knowledge of bribes taken by certain staff members of Maui’s Planning Department, possibly with regard to Greg Brown’s Monster Hotel. Mr. Balinbin offered to name names. Is the following a result of that testimony? In … Read more

Earthday International recognizes two Maui-connected Regenerative Agriculture initiatives in its featured video, part of the 51st global Earthday celebration

Apparently 10 years ahead of their time, Maui residents and environmental educators Charlotte O’Brien and Sam Small made a video about how the manufacturing on a global scale of something called Biochar is the best way we have to draw down the massive amount of carbon in the atmosphere from our reliance on burning fossil … Read more

“Mandatory” 2nd test? Mike Victorino is playing yet another COVID Bait & Switch

“Mandatory” 2nd test? “travelers…will get access to…” sounds way more voluntary than mandatory. “Travelers headed to the Hawaiian island will get access to a free test to be done at the airport upon arrival at the end of April, Maui County mayor Michael Victorino said.”…/maui-to-require-two-covid-19… Note from Sam Small, Director Maui Causes: My apologies … Read more

Maui Tomorrow, State Rep McKelvey, former Council Member Joanne Johnson, Archie Kalepa and Keomoku Kapu file suit against Mayor Victorino and Moana Lutey for ignoring County Council’s vote.

These suits filed against Mayor Victorino and Moana Lutey for ignoring County Council’s vote to settle the Injection Well case were dismissed not on merit, but because none of the Council Members themselves were party to the suit and the judge ruled the plaintiffs didn’t have standing. Corporation Counsel here appears to be in violation … Read more

Action Alert: Tues June 30 9am Proposed Charter Amendment to Allow County Council to Fire Corporation Counsel

Testify Tues June 30, 9 am: Most of our Council Members only found out after the fact that Moana Lutey publically lied in her confirmation hearings in order to secure her extremely powerful job as Maui’s top lawyer. By then it was too late to protect the citizen’s interests as our current charter allows only … Read more

The Call to Action Elle Cochran Refused to Make.

Faith Ewbanks, Elle Cochran’s then Campaign Manager, Faith’s paid legal consultant Daniel Cohen, Chris Salem and myself, Sam Small, spend 8 hours on Easter Sunday this past spring, and the entire next day, co-authoring a call to action for Elle to launch in order to address Elle’s obviously disastrous record on Infrastructure issues since joining the … Read more

Affidavit of Sam Small Oct 1, 2018

This is a sworn affidavit that details research I’ve done over the past 3 years on manipulations of Maui’s land development process and cover-ups of fraud that have now extended to the manufacturing of false documents by Department heads and Corporation Counsel.   I believe these manipulations warrant an investigation into Racketeering.  Download by clicking here: Below … Read more

Maui County Data Purge: FAHRENHEIT MAUI

Maui Causes is producing a documentary on the destructive impacts that unregulated overdevelopment has had on Maui’s Shoreline. Our extensive research has uncovered public documents that clearly show how politically appointed county officials systematically manipulate Federal shoreline management regulations and County ordinances to allow certain private land developers to circumvent public input, avoid building environmental … Read more

Rethinking Hawaii Tourism: Time to Shift from Marketing to Managing Tourism?

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The Case for Better Management of Tourism This brief was prepared for the Hawaii Economic Association panel, Rethinking Hawaii Tourism: 21st Century Solutions for 21st Century Challenges, with Frank Haas, Paul Brewbaker and John Knox. While there are remarkable economic benefits from tourism generating significant revenues, governments largely do not invest in managing environmental, social, … Read more

PETITION: Protect Maui Taxpayers from Giveaways to Real Estate Developers

CLICK HERE TO SIGN OUR PETITION: The public and many of our Council Members were never told of significant changes made at the last minute to the Upcountry Water Bill that is today allowing professional residential and commercial developers, ISLAND WIDE, to inappropriately avoid performing roadway improvements along their two-lot subdivisions, effectively shifting their financial … Read more

Letter to Council Member Don Guzman, Chair of Litigation Committee, Recommending Audit of SMA Permit Process 10/25/17

Dear Council Member Guzman,                                                                         10/25/2017 Thank you for taking the time to meet with me Oct 9th to discuss the liabilities transferred to taxpayers from private developers via the thousands of uncollected “Three Lots or Less” subdivision infrastructure deferral agreements and apparent SMA (Special Management Area) permit manipulations. To … Read more

Maui Causes is Powered By Your Generosity

Evolving out of Vote Yes Maui, the Community Outreach arm of the SHAKA Movement, Maui Causes has been working for years to promote Progressive and Environmental Causes on Maui. Our Facebook page and weekly TV show on AKAKU Ch 55 give voice to our community’s leaders not found in the Corporate Controlled media on Maui. … Read more

Maui Causes #57 Terez Amato

Terez Amato ran for State Senate in 2014 in the South Maui district against incumbent Roz Baker. Terez’s campaign did extraordinarily well for a first time candidate and she’s contemplating running against Roz again in 2018. Just a few months ago Terez was paralyzed by a stroke that is most commonly fatal. She’s the 1% … Read more

Score One For The Little Fishes! HI Supreme Court Halts Reef Fish Harvesting for Aquarium Trade

Slapping WESTPAC, that “greenwashing” group The Nature Conservancy, and Gov Ige in their respective faces, Hawaii’s Supreme Court just unanimously agreed that “DLNR’s practice of blindly doling out aquarium collection permits without studying environmental impacts is illegal,” said Earthjustice attorney Summer Kupau-Odo in a press release.  “The law demands and Hawaiʻi’s people have every right to … Read more

Maui County Leaves Piiholo Residents At Risk – Only 20 of 112 Widow-Makers Removed

MAKAWAO, MAUI (HawaiiNewsNow) –Hundreds of eucalyptus trees in Makawao are dead or dying, and the community says they’re posing a safety threat. The county is now removing some of them along Piiholo Road, but some wonder whether they’re moving fast enough. Sam Small lives on Piiholo Road. For years, the blue gum eucalyptus have been … Read more

Does The Kihei Community Plan Include a New Mega Mall? No Way, No How!

By Mark Hyde, Guest Blogger. The future of south Maui will be decided this coming week, July19 and 20, when the state Land Use Commission (LUC) convenes on the 19th of July at 2 PM at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center to assess a proposed final environmental impact statement (FEIS) for what has been … Read more

Once Again One of Mayor Arakawa’s Appointed Directors Is Being Sued

June 14, 2017  Former Maui official claims her firing was retaliatory By Nelson Daranciang Posted June 14, 2017 The former Maui County highways chief says in a federal whistleblower lawsuit that she was fired for reporting and investigating county worker abuses, including the repairing of private motor vehicles at county facilities on county time and with parts purchased using county … Read more


As a prelude to the trainwreck that will be Maui County’s 2018 Budget Hearings, starting tomorrow, the County has created a survey so you can express your opinions on spending. CLICK HERE TO VOICE WHERE YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR TAX DOLLARS SPENT IN 2018’s BUDGET. They even made a video! The survey is a … Read more

Arakawa Kills EARTH DAY

CALL THE PARKS DEPT AND DEMAND OUR EARTHDAY EVENT PERMIT BE APPROVED!  (808) 270-7230 Maui Mayor Alan Arakawa is striking back against his many critics by denying our community the opportunity to assemble, celebrate our connection to Mother Earth  and organize for political change that supports sustainability rather than corporate exploitation. Maui County Parks Director … Read more

Maui Causes #44 Christopher Fishkin on the CoverUp of County Abuse that Allows Developers to Avoid Enviro Studies and Shift Infrastructure Costs to The Public

Christopher Fishkin is a Legal Assistant and Public Advocate. Here Chris discusses some of the conflicts of interest that have resulted from Maui’s Planning Dept. and  Corporation Council’s manipulations of SMA (Special Management Area) permits that have allowed countless developers to defer significant infrastructure improvements with absolutely no accountability. This shady practice has cost taxpayers (that’s … Read more

What is Environmental Racism?

A Case of Illegal Agro-chemical Experimentation Without Informed Individual Consent on Maui and Molokai by Lorrin Pang, M.D., M.P.H. and David Klein, B.S., Ph.D., Naturorthopathic Doctor Maui, Hawaii, USA Physicians Coalition for Responsible Agriculture on Maui (PCRAM) To safeguard the public’s health and respect individuals’ rights, we do not want to allow exposure of … Read more

Chris Salem is on a Mission to Clean up Corruption in Maui County Government

The practice of deferring infrastructure improvements that began in 1974, mainly to help local families avoid becoming full-fledged developers yet still divide up their land in 3 parcels or less for their offspring, has turned out to have been a really bad idea. Through either negligence or corruption, the county never set dollar values to or created … Read more

Proposed Charter Amendments to Reign-in Mayor’s Hiring Entitlement and Allow County Council to Get Legal Advice Independent of Mayor’s Appointed Lawyers.

Come testify on Friday Aug 5th to support two proposed Charter Amendments that will have significant impacts on the balance of government in Maui County. Resolution 16-96  proposes to additionally require council approval of the managing director and the directors of the departments of Finance, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, Planning, Housing and Human Concerns, … Read more

MAUI COUNTY is a HO– USE OF CARDS: Testify in Support of a Professional Town Manager

PLEASE READ AND FORWARD TO FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS, AND FELLOW CITIZENS MARK YOUR CALENDARS: JUNE 27 @ 9 AM, 8TH FLOOR, COUNTY BUILDING ALERT.  To have any chance of getting the council-manager proposal on the November ballot, the Council must hear from you when the Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs (PIA) Committee takes up the Special Committee’s … Read more

SHAKA in Court Wed, June 15th, 9am Watch Live Streaming Video from Courtroom

SHAKA in Court Wednesday, June 15th, 9am Watch Live Streaming Video from Courtroom Click HERE to Watch LIVE Streaming Video Wednesday, June 15th, 9am 9th Circuit Court Hearing on Hawai’i GMO Cases The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals announced that they will hear The SHAKA Movements Appeals of Judge Mollway’s decisions at 9:00 AM, … Read more

Community Farmland Council fails to get required number of signatures

For immediate release: June 13, 2016 Press Release by: Danny Mateo, County Clerk (808) 270-7748 Office of the County Clerk County of Maui Community Farmland Council fails to get required number of signatures WAILUKU, Hawaii – The Office of the County Clerk has certified that the Community Farmland Council has not collected the required amount … Read more

With a Few Last Minute Arrivals, All County Council Seats Now Contested

June 8, 2016 By BRIAN PERRY – City Editor ( , The Maui News As the candidate filing deadline came and went Tuesday, the political dust cleared and races were set for primary and general elections this year. All nine Maui County Council seats will be contested, and most Maui legislators face primary and/or general … Read more

You need to earn $34 an hour, 40 hrs a week, to rent a modest 2 bedroom in Hawaii. Don Couch wants to Cut Affordable Housing Requirements for Developers by Half. WTF?

Worst State in the Nation: HAWAII To rent a modest 1 bedroom, working at minimum wage, you need to work 124 hours a week. Thanks to Don Couch and Alan Arakawa for making Maui work, for Developers. CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE A new report released today by the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) reveals … Read more

Breaking News: Don Couch “investigation” inquiry from State Office of Information Practices. Is Don Withholding Public Information in Violation of Sunshine Laws? Why?

State Office of Information Practices has opened a case on behalf of West Maui resident Marilyn McAteer relating to Don Couch’s failure to respond to a request for public information involving an alleged “investigation” into unaccounted for developer agreements which by Charter should be accounted for in the annual Budget as revenue to offset capital … Read more

The Tide IS Turning: Farmers Sue Monsanto Over Alleged Roundup Cancer Link

By NICHOLAS BERGIN / Lincoln Journal Star Three Nebraska farmers and an agronomist, all diagnosed with cancer, have filed a lawsuit against Monsanto alleging the seed and chemical giant of purposely misleading the public about the dangers of the world’s most widely used herbicide. Monsanto markets glyphosate, the active ingredient in its herbicide-brand Roundup, as … Read more

Jadam Organic Farming Seminars in Hawaii

Dear organic farming friends of the world! We are “Jadam,” a group based in Korea that promotes “Ultra-low cost” organic farming. After decades of research and studies, Jadam has come up with a system of organic farming where the farmers can make their own fertilizer, microbe input, and even pesticide. The making of, and use … Read more

Big Money & Corporate Greed Attempting To Influence Local Maui Politics, Again.

You all remember The Citizens Against The Maui County Farming Ban, the fake citizen’s group founded by Maui’s local radio personality Tom Blackburn-Rodriguez, that in 2014 spent $8 Million of Monsanto’s and Dow’s money spreading lies about the GM Moratorium? Well, not only is Tom back on the air with big corporate backing, we are … Read more

Maui Community Organic Farmland 1st Petition Submission – Over 10,000 Signatures

Over 10,000 petition signatures submitted to the Maui County Clerk supporting the Maui Community Organic Farmland Initiative. For more information or to show your financial support go to: Thanks to our amazing Maui Ohana, and to Nahko Bear of Medicine for the People for his support.

Ellie Cochran Wants You to Testify: A Good Settlement Has Been Reached. County to Pay Fees Towards Resolution of Court Cases and Create A New Waste Water Solution.

Maui County Agrees to Get Pono on Injection Wells! This Friday, the injection well issue comes before the the County Council Committee of the Whole again. (See litigation matters (COW-1(3) Click Here) Ellie Cochran’s office now actually supports the current process. As we understand it today, Maui County is no longer fighting this issue, they … Read more

Come Celebrate Your Mother Earth: Earth Day Festival Sunday April 17th, 2016, 10am-6pm Ke‘opuolani Park Amphitheater, Kahului

2016 Maui Earth Day Festival Sunday April 17th, 2016, 10am-6pm Ke‘opuolani Park Amphitheater, Kahului (located behind Maui Nui Botanical Gardens and opposite War Memorial Stadium Parking Lot) $7 entrance fee, keiki free Sign up now: Organizations, Vendors, Volunteers & Silent Auction Donations! email: Website:

ACTION ALERT! CALL YOUR SENATOR TO STOP HB 2501! WATER THEFT BILL  A&B Again Deceptive – Legislation Favors Them Exclusively

Reposted From Maui Sierra Club: Healoha Carmichael, a Native Hawaiian gatherer, stands in Honomanu Stream in East Maui near her home. The stream is completely dry due to Alexander and Baldwin’s water diversions. Carmichael and her ‘ohana face significant hardship in gathering food to feed their ‘ohana because of the diversions. Tell Your Senator To … Read more

ACTION ALERT: CALL TO SUPPORT SCR40 The Free & Fair Elections Resolution.  This supports a Constitutional Convention to Overturn Citizens United.

OUR GOAL IS FOR SENATOR KEITH-AGARON TO SCHEDULE A JUDICIARY HEARING ON SCR40 (the Free & Fair Elections Resolution. This is a measure that will help us to get a much needed U.S. Constitutional Amendment to end the corrupting influence of big money in our elections.) CALLS TO MAKE TODAY (or tomorrow) There’s only 2 … Read more

Jane Sanders, Bernie’s Wife, Visited Maui and Answered Questions About What Bernie Will Do As The Next President Of The United States: 60 Minute Video

Jane Sanders speaks on Maui about her husband Bernie Sanders, his many successes in getting legislation passed in the US Senate, and the changes he’ll make as President to move the country away from Corporate and Big $ influence, to serve the People’s Interests not the Banks. March 21st 2016. Please Contribute to MAUI CAUSES … Read more

Just How Much Corruption is There in Hawaii’s Legislature? If Lobbyists and Legislators Have Their Way We Will Never Know.

By CATHY BUSSEWITZ Associated Press  HONOLULU A top Hawaii lawmaker is delaying a public records request because of a dispute that could hold up similar requests for years. The outcome will likely determine whether legislators can withhold emails, calendars and other information from the public, which watchdog groups see as crucial to government accountability. The … Read more

Testify in Support of Hemp Bill SB2659 SD2 with NO AMENDMENTS  – Stop A&B from Establishing a Hemp Monopoly & Call for Clift Tsuji to Resign as Ag Chair.

Give your testimony today before 2 PM. It’s not hard. Log in, or create an account at the State Website. Search SB2659 and enter your testimony. You may want to write it out first and just copy and paste it into the state’s site as there is a tendency for the site to log … Read more

Think HC&S Would Sell 37,000 Acres to a Local Farm Cooperative? A Plan For Food Production and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs! (Courtesy of  Maui Tomorrow)

If A&B would sell the land at market value, a compelling alternative emerges: forming an island-wide Maui Farm Cooperative. Every citizen of Maui could be either a worker-member or consumer-member with voting rights, profit shares, access to healthy island-grown food, even health care. Under the umbrella of the Maui Farm Cooperative, independently managed divisions would … Read more

A&B Moves to Monopolize Industrial Hemp in Hawaii w/ Clift Tsuji’s Help. Once Again Puts Corporate Profits Ahead of the People. Testify Against A&B’s Amendments.  Tell A&B and Clift Where To Go!

The Dept of Ag was giddy with anticipation in its Testimony on S.B. No. 2659, S.D. 2, entitled: A BILL FOR AN ACT RELATING TO INDUSTRIAL HEMP, “…we will establish an agency relationship with licensees throughout the State who will operate as extensions of the Department for the purposes of research on the growth, cultivation, … Read more

Misconduct by Maui County Grows.  Politically Motivated Threats of Random Assessments on “3 Lots or Less” Subdivisions Add Insult to Injury. Abuse of Authority Violates Charter and is, perhaps, Criminal. 1,000’s of Maui Homeowners with unresolved, open-ended liens can’t sell properties.

Administration Shifts Developers’ Costs to Taxpayers By David Cain, Attorney, Wailuku The County of Maui holds a recorded lien on thousands of properties in Maui County which have no formula or ceiling for assessments to property owners. The county administration has taken the position they can send out random bills to property owners and if … Read more

Alan Arakawa’s Latest Fuck-up: The Good News? It Will Only Cost Maui $35 Million (Well, That’s Before The Lawsuits)

Administration’s Estimate of Waste-to-Energy Net Cost Off by $35M Reposted from Maui Now An audit of the county’s Solid Waste Division reveals the county’s 20-year waste-to-energy contract is projected to cost $1.7 million per year more than presented to the council, Budget and Finance Committee Chair Riki Hokama announced today. In January 2014, Mayor Alan … Read more

Tulsi Gabbard Flips Off Democratic National Committee to Endorse Bernie Sanders – Resigns as Vice-Chair

By Nation of Change Staff – February 28, 2016 Tulsi Gabbard has resigned from the DNC following tension regarding debate schedules and apparent favoritism of Hillary Clinton. Hawaiian Congresswoman and Democratic National Committee Vice Chair Tulsi Gabbard resigned Sunday. In an email to the DNC, Tulsi explained her reasons for her resignation: “I have taken … Read more

What HC&S does with it’s fields after sugar cane will affect us all. Do you have a voice in the matter?

HC&S’s fields below Makawao seem to have been planted with Thistle. Really gnarly thistle. Anyone know if it’s just to keep people out of the fields? or is this a crop or soil amendment? What HC&S does with it’s fields after sugar cane will effect us all. Do you have a voice in the matter? … Read more

Gov. Ige Claims Hawaii is a World Leader in Conservation. Really?

Gov Ige shares his excitement that Hawaii was selected as the first ever US venue for the The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – the world’s largest conservation event to be held here Sept 1 -10 2016, because, says Ige, Hawaii is such a shining example of conservation efforts, a model for the … Read more

Makana’s new anthem:

The fire is ours, the hour is now, the tide is set to turn… rise up and BERN

The fire is ours, The hour is now, The tide is set to turn… Rise up and BERN Lyrics and Music by Makana • Directed by Zac Heileson Also check out Neil Young at Maui’s “Outgrow Monsanto” event: Fire Is Ours Lyrics: I’ve been lied to. Misled. Built up by what they said Lifted … Read more

Myths of cannabis & hemp cross-pollination – 10 mile distance between open fields more than enough protection

By Joy Beckerman Oh, the irony. On the one hand, marijuana and hemp activists have been tortured for decades by the DEA’s exceedingly absurd stance that marijuana growers will use industrial hemp fields to camouflage their marijuana plants; and on the other hand, there has recently arisen the hysterical stance by some populations of outdoor … Read more

ACTION ALERT: This bill supports opening up the growing of industrial hemp to all of Hawaii!

Aloha Hempsters…please submit testimony and share with your lists The Hemp Bill we’ve been waiting for!!! The first hearing for Hawaii’s Industrial Hemp Bill HB2555 has been set. This bill supports opening up the growing of industrial hemp to all of Hawaii! The bill was introduced by Rep Ing and has been signed by 35 … Read more

Monsanto caught lying yet again, slapped with $80 million civil penalty for Roundup-related accounting violations

By Lisa Brown Guest Blogger The Securities and Exchange Commission slapped Monsanto with an $80 million civil penalty for violating accounting rules and misstating past earnings related to rebates on its flagship weedkiller Roundup. Two accounting executives and a retired sales executive also agreed to pay penalties to settle the charges. And while the SEC found … Read more

Maui’s GM Moratorium NOT DEAD YET! Appeals court to hear SHAKA’s moratorium case.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments about whether to overturn a federal judge’s ruling last year that struck down a Maui County voter-approved moratorium on genetically modified organisms. Reposted without permission from the Maui News! In a ruling Thursday, the appeals court denied a motion to dismiss the appeal by the SHAKA … Read more

Maui’s Lungs Win a Big Victory as Judge Upholds 4 of 6 Complaints Filed by Citizens to Stop Cane Burning – Says Disallowed Complaints Can Be Modified.

Much to A&B’s dismay,  Judge Cordoza rules that the court WILL decide whether the DOH breached the public trust when issuing agricultural burn permits. Next hearing Feb 26th  on Preliminary Injunction to Stop The Burn while the cases run their course. Support this community-based legal action with a donation. What happened in court today (Feb 5, … Read more

Demise of power-purchase deal is final blow for HC&S


As we’ve been saying – electricity sales is why A&B kept farming sugar long after it became difficult to make a profit. So this is a double win for the environment: Shutting down the coal plant (that didn’t have proper pollution control because of it being a sugar mill) and stopping the cane burning. ——————————- … Read more

Revelation of Coal Scam is the Real Reason HC&S is Ending Sugar Production

Karen Chun, a Maui cane burning activist, explains why HC&S is really shutting its sugar operation down. “All the other sugar operations went out of business because Hawaii’s land, water, power, tax and labor costs are higher than the mainland, Australia and Brazil with whom they compete. A&B kept their sugar going because it gave … Read more

HC&S to End Sugar Cane Production after 45 Million dollars lost these last two years, costing hundreds of jobs – It didn’t have to be so bad.

Sugar cane production on Maui is ending, nearly 350 jobs will be lost and as many more are at risk. The sad truth is that it didn’t have to happen this way. For decades members of the Maui community have been trying to engage HC&S in a dialog to carefully construct an intelligent exit strategy … Read more