Has anyone noticed that under Alice Lee’s direction, Maui’s County Council is in direct and deliberate violation of State Sunshine laws in that none of the official minutes from any council meeting since June of last year has been publicly posted to the Council’s website?
Sunshine mandates official minutes be made public within 40 days but Alice doesn’t seem to want you to know what dirty things she’s doing.
This is on top of the Council Rules Lee proposed on Jan 2nd that would have stripped the Council of its long-standing authority to protect public participation, limiting fast-tracking legislation with a required Super-majority Vote, replacing it with her own discretion to skip committee hearings and go to first Council reading, with no advance public notice, on any legislation she chooses.
Lee’s authoritarian rules can easily be resurrected anytime she thinks she’s got the game rigged to get them passed.
How many other ways can Chair Lee find to exclude the public from the public’s business?