Maui Causes #48 BRIAN MURPHY Medical Marijuana Bill to Reinstate Caregivers as Growers for more info.

Hawaii’s unique system of compassionate caregivers was established back in 2000, when vanguard medical marijuana laws were the first in the nation, to be passed by legislation. Patient’s rights included the right to have one caregiver to grow medical marijuana for him/her.

A caregiver is usually a family member, or friend who is glad to grow marijuana for the patient. The cost of pots, plant care, and dirt is minimal, but the joy of watching the look of pain and suffering leave their loved one’s face is priceless.

Currently, over 3,000 caregivers are providing marijuana for free for their one, and only, patient. Sadly, (and with callous disregard) the dispensary law (Act 230) puts an end to CAREGIVERS in 2018.

Collectively, it will cost patients over a million-dollars-a-month to buy their marijuana at the dispensaries. They will have to buy generic commercial strains, instead of the particular strains that have been grown and specially processed just for him/her.

There is no reason to place patients under extra emotional, and financial stress, when patients are already dealing with chronic, perhaps terminal, illnesses. The dispensary profits must not be placed above the patient’s welfare.

Please, Slam your lawmakers and politicians with emails, cards, and calls, asking them to: Please, RESTORE medical marijuana CAREGIVERS. Mahalo