freed-BrianOur Question is: Were they holding Brian so he couldn’t participate in the legislative process that just created Dispensaries rather than Full On Legalization?  Hawaii’s Pot Mafia protected their Billions of profits in Black Market Recreational Pot by steering the debate towards Dispensaries for Medical Marijuana that are a Financial Burden for Sick People.  Now that they see the light at the end of that tunnel they could afford to release Brian????  The corruption of this state is sickening.

Brian’s hearing for early parole is this Thursday at 8:30AM at the Wailuku courthouse in Courtroom 3 (Justice Cardoza’s courtroom). We at “Justice for Brian Murphy” are guardedly optimistic that he will be released but we do not want to take the power of the people, in this case his (local) supporters for granted.

We ask you to PLEASE write the Judge a letter of support if you have not already. If you live in the islands you can still mail it in the next 24 hours and it should get to the judge before Brian’s hearing, these are important and they do matter! It does not have to be more than a few sentences; polite and supporting letters asking for his immediate release on medical and ethical grounds.

Please mail them to: Judge Joseph Cardoza 2145 Main Street Wailuku, Hawai`i 96793-1679

Also, Brian has asked his supporters to please attend his hearing on Thursday. Please help us pack the seats of the courthouse by coming out to support Brian! Please come out for Brian and show your support in a respectful manner to let him know you care if you are able.

Thank you so much for all your support!

(Please feel free to share the contents of this to your wall or use to email to your own friends and feel free to sign your name and remove mine.)

Justice for Brian Murphy


1 thought on “<p>UPDATE: BRIAN MURPHY OUT ON PROBATION!!! Should be home today.</p>”

  1. Thanks so much, MAUI CAUSES! We appreciate your support for Brian Murphy, Director of Patients Without Time, and for you sharing our message of support for medical marijuana patients.

    Now that the Dispensary bills have failed for this year, we can begin working on next year’s legislation to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana. It’s the fair, just, and sensible thing to do.

    Please come to Brian’s hearing Thursday, May 7th, at 8:30 am, at the Wailuku courthouse, 3rd floor. Thanks for the wonderful support!


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