Maui Causes’ Exclusive Interview: Dan Marks From  On the upcoming U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION

Dan Marks single handedly altered the course of American History with a phone call he made to Congress.

Dan Marks phoned the Parliamentarian of the US Congress and asked why requests from States for a Constitutional Convention had never been counted in over 200 years.

The result will astound you…

Learn more and become a part of our American Democracy at: is a group of people from many different groups. It has become the legal expression of the Inter-Occupy Article V Work Group, which includes various Occupy chapters, former military, former 99% Declaration members and many other individual efforts, etc.

As we welcome people from all walks of life; young & old, all political parties (Libertarians, Republicans, Democrats, Green Party, etc.), from all political activists groups, i.e., Occupy, tea party, etc. TO JOIN forces in helping to document our rights under ARTICLE V — OUR RIGHTS that have been taken from US —

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