Karen Chun, a Maui cane burning activist, explains why HC&S is really shutting its sugar operation down.
“All the other sugar operations went out of business because Hawaii’s land, water, power, tax and labor costs are higher than the mainland, Australia and Brazil with whom they compete.
A&B kept their sugar going because it gave them cover for their scam to sell MECO coal energy and call it “renewable” by pretending it was generated by bagasss (left over cane).
Due to our actions, the EPA and PUC became aware of this scam and the price A&B got for their coal-power was adjusted downward. That is most likely the biggest cause of the huge $30million loss last year.
Note to A&B – if you had just stopped burning cane, you might still be making a ton of money by cheating Maui ratepayers with your coal as renewable energy scam – karma is a bitch.”
See more at http://stopcaneburning.org/