To: David M. Raatz
Cc: David Underwood
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 01:58:37 PM HST
Subject: Complaint
Good Afternoon David;
Respectfully, please forward a copy of the attached complaint to the members of the Maui County Council. On behalf of my family and the citizens of Maui County, I pray to the members of the Maui County Council to consider seeking special counsel to enter into good faith resolution discussions.
Corporation Counsel has a clear conflict of interest on the underlying issues, including the unclean execution of the thousands of unaccounted for developer “deferral” agreements which I personally discovered over two decades ago.
The pursuit of justice and accountability in County government has caused irreparable inquires to my family.
Mayor Victorino promised to hold those responsible for their manipulation of public officials to allow us to move forward to the recovery of the developer debts owned to County and taxpayers. Standing in the way is Corporation Counsel, who continues to influence and defend Director decisions at all cost.
I ask the members of the Maui County Council to please read the Introduction to the attached complaint. As an established whistleblower serving the public interest, I will not succumb to Corporation Counsel’s defamation and intimidation tactics.
Mayor Victorino has admitted that he too was intimidated by Corporation Counsel as a member of the Maui County Council.
As stated by the County Auditor, the claims against the County’s actions are serious. Mayor Victorino signed an agreement to settle the claims to protect the County of Maui from further liability. Corporation Counsel has advised the Mayor to unethically breach our agreement which was the foundation of my employment with the Office of the Mayor.
Director Lutey must seek reconciliation with the local residents of Maui County and acknowledge Corporation Counsel’s role in serving private developers’ financial interests at the public expense. The Department’s representation towards the will of the people and employees of Maui County is long overdue.
With sincerity;
Christopher Salem
Private Resident
Employee of the County of Maui